Remote Learning Information


Remote Learning Information

·       Food pick-up will be Mondays from 3:00-5:00 PM during remote learning

·       Elementary assignments will be due every Friday by midnight

·       Secondary assignments due dates will be given during Zoom meetings. Assignments will be accepted until midnight of the due date.

·       Zoom meeting invitations will be posted under “Updates” on Schoology. Teachers will not be sending texts and emails. You will need to look on Schoology for the information to join the meeting.

·       Teachers will be taking attendance during Zoom meetings, unless you have contacted your teacher to make other arrangements, you child is expected to be in the Zoom meetings. Absences could result in truancy.

·       Grades will be taken during remote learning and posted to RenWeb. Our students will have required assignments.

·       Classroom blogs will be updated and current. You may also find assignments there, but you will still need to submit them through Schoology.

·       All assignments are to be submitted using Schoology. There is a separate post with instructions on submissions. Please do not use a teacher’s text message, Facebook messenger, or email for submission unless otherwise stated.


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